63. Separator (TKOL)
62. Go To Sleep (HTTT)
61. Karma Police (Ok Computer)
60. Sit Down, Stand Up (HTTT)
59. Treefingers (Kid A)
58. There There (HTTT)
57. A Wolf At The Door (HTTT)
56. Hunting Bears (Amnesiac)
55. Backdrifts (HTTT)
54. The Bends (The Bends)
53. Planet Telex (The Bends)
52. You (Pablo Honey)
51. Little By Little (TKOL)
50. Airbag (Ok Computer)
49. Myxomatosis (HTTT)
48. Nice Dream (The Bends)
47. Creep (Pablo Honey)
46. Feral (TKOL)
45. Faust Arp (In Rainbows)
44. Sail To The Moon (HTTT)
43. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors (Amnesiac)
42. 2+2 = 5 (HTTT)
41. You And Whose Army (Amnesiac)
40. Knives Out (Amnesiac)
39. My Iron Lung (The Bends)
38. Exit Music [For A Film] (Ok Computer)
37. Codex (TKOL)
36. I Might Be Wrong (Amnesiac)
35. Street Spirit (The Bends)
34. Where I End and You Begin (HTTT)
33. Blow Out (Pablo Honey)
32. Just (The Bends)
31. Morning Bell/Amnesiac (Amnesiac)
30. Scatterbrain (HTTT)
29. Lotus Flower (TKOL)
28. Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box (Amnesiac)
27. Subterranean Homesick Alien (Ok Computer)
26. Morning Bell (Kid A)
25. Motion Picture Soundtrack (Kid A)
24. Videotape (In Rainbows)
23. Reckoner (In Rainbows)
22. Climbing Up The Walls (Ok Computer)
21. Optimistic (Kid A)
20. House Of Cards (In Rainbows)
19. Morning Mr. Magpie (TKOL)
18. Fitter Happier (Ok Computer)
17. Everything In Its Right Place (Kid A)
16. Let Down (Ok Computer)
15. I Will (HTTT)
14. Like Spinning Plates (Amnesiac)
13. The National Anthem (Kid A)
12. Kid A (Kid A)
11. Bloom (TKOL)
10. The Gloaming (HTTT)
9. No Surprises (Ok Computer)
8. How To Disappear Completely (Kid A)
7. Life In A Glasshouse (Amnesiac)
6. Idioteque (Kid A)
5. We Suck Young Blood (HTTT)
4. In Limbo (Kid A)
3. Pyramid Song (Amnesiac)
2. Dollars & Cents (Amnesiac)
1. Paranoid Android (Ok Computer)
Pablo Honey: 3 out of 12.
The Bends: 6 out of 12.
Ok Computer: 9 out of 12. [6]
Kid A: 10 out of 10. [9]
Amnesiac: 11 out of 11. [5]
HTTT: 13 out of 14. [4]
In Rainbows: 4 out of 10. [3]
TKOL: 7 out of 8. [3]
63 out of 89.
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